Ketogenic Medical Necessity
This site is specifically geared to foster community and help for those administering a strict ketogenic diet, as prescribed by their medical provider. This type of diet is recommended to be started in a hospital setting and is not the same as the current "keto" trend.
(See more on that HERE)
Again, as I am not a medical professional and do not claim to be, I have opted to review the basics of the ketogenic diet using a few excerpts from the best and most current book I know of on the subject: "The Ketogenic And Modified Atkins Diets," Sixth Edition, by Eric H. Kossoff, MD (& others), 2016:
"The ketogenic diet simulates the metabolism of a fasting individual. A fasting person burns stored body fat for energy; a person on the ketogenic diet derives energy principally from the fat in the diet. But unlike fasting, the ketogenic diet allows a person to maintain this fat burning over an extended period of time. Contrary to the beliefs of some parents, the ketogenic diet is neither healthy nor all natural. It is a medical therapy with risks and needs to be supervised by professionals.
"Despite its proven efficacy in the treatment of epilepsy disorders that have failed to respond to the proper use of three or more anticonvulsant medications, the ketogenic diet is still regarded as a "treatment of last resort" by many neurologists and other physicians who manage seizure patients. However, the ketogenic diet can be used as "first-line" therapy in certain situations, and actually there is agreement that it is the "treatment of choice" in specific epilepsy syndromes.
"Conditions in Which the Diet is Especially Likely to Work:
Glut-1 deficiency syndrome, Pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency, Myoclonic-astatic epilepsy (Doose Syndrome), Infantile spasms (West Syndrome), Dravet syndrome, Tuberous sclerosis complex, Rett syndrome, Mitochondrial disease
"What Are The Side Effects?
Hunger, Vitamin Deficiency, Kidney Stones, Constipation,
High Cholesterol, Reflux, Acidotic Episodes, Irritability
Long Term Effects:
Bone Fractures, Growth Retardation, Cardiomyopathy, Increased Bruising, Anemia, Bleeding Disorders, etc.
"The ketogenic diet is not free of side effects but, working together, parents/caregivers and the keto team can often prevent or minimize side effects and complications."

*This article was written and intended to be a resource for medical professionals. It is not meant to be a guide for parents to start or maintain a ketogenic diet without medical supervision.